Better human connections, by design.

Practical tools, grounded in the latest behavioural science to improve human connections between your members, employees, residents or other key stakeholders

Connections matter.

Get your most important people better connected, by design.

Organisations & teams

Better connected employees are happier & healthier. They perform better, are more innovative and cost your organisation less in conflict, absence & attrition.

Membership Associations

Better connected members of associations, trade groups and other networks stay members longer, participate more, and introduce other quality members.

Cohorts & Alumni

Better connected students and participants (e.g. of institutions and accelerator programs) are more successful, during their time with you and in their onward careers.

Better connected organisations, networks and systems perform better.

What our clients say

“I have never experienced a networking event going into ‘flow state’ so quickly and effortlessly.”

Merete Gedde

Senior Manager, PwC Consulting

“Peter’s approach to building and nurturing connections is invaluable. He doesn’t leave connectivity to chance. He provides the tools to make it happen,”

Lisa Portz

Director, LSE Accelerator

“Peter is one of the most creative minds I have ever met! Especially in combination with his strategic Know-How.”

Sander de Vries

Owner, Event Republic

Global collaborations